Feeney & Sons Lifting Ltd

GA1 Cert Ireland

Statutory Inspections


Lifting Equipment and PPE On-Site Statutory Inspections, including Colour coding.

We carry out both on and off site Statutory Lifting Gear inspections under the General Applications Regulations Si 299 (2007).

As part of this service we also offer our clients a Lifting Equipment Colour Coding System. This System basically informs the user- at a glance, if the equipment that they are using has been duly inspected by a competent person within the last six or twelve monthly period.

As part of the inspection we supply colour code signs to the client for their workplace showing the colour in date for that period and we then tag the item of lifting equipment – if it’s safe to use, with the same colour as shown on the board.

All our Inspectors carry out the Lifting Equipment Inspections using the CoreRFID data logging system. This System produces an electronic register which is emailed to the client on the same day as the inspection is carried out.

Feeney & Sons Carry out The Statutory inspection of Lifting Equipment under the General Applications Regulations Si 299 (2007) both on your site or at our works .

We also offer a Colour coding System for the Inspected items . Certificates / Site Registers are issued Electronically using the CoreRFID Electronic data logging system.

As part of this System we can offer you 24/7 access to your on line Equipment Register and are available the same day as the inspection is carried out.

All our Inspectors are fully Qualified, experienced and Certified to Inspect Both Lifting and PPE Equipment .